Whether it's a lover, friend, work colleague or an acquaintance, people come into our lives to teach us about ourselves and the world around us.  Pursuing any kind of relationship is an investment that will inevitably result in positive and negative experiences.  A reading can provide useful insight into relationship dynamics, assist with feedback and advice around the motivations and behaviour of other people, as well as the direction a relationship is taking.

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  • What can I do to find love?

  • Will this relationship be successful?

  • Is this the right relationship for me?

  • Should I trust this person?

  • Does this person really love me?

  • Will this person change?

  • What obstacles must I overcome to find love?

  • What should I do if I want to end this relationship?

  • How can I make more friends?


A reading can be incredibly useful for anyone who may be at an important crossroads in their life. It provides an opportunity for an objective, unbiased point of view, offering insight and answers to make a decisive and confident decision. A reading in this context will provide outcomes, clarify your direction and help you to move forward in your life. 

  • What’s the outcome if I try to resolve or win this in a court of law?

  • Will the purchase of this property provide me with a satisfactory financial return?

  • If I leave this relationship will I find happiness on my own or in a new relationship?

  • Is this the right area of study for me?

  • Will this job lead on to success in my career?

  • What is the outcome if I move to a new town / city / country?


Work consumes a lot of our time, so ensuring we are happy, fulfilled and successful with what we do is a high priority. There are numerous pitfalls that can relate to work and business and a reading is useful to gain insight into direction, job security, workplace opportunities, earning capacity, study related opportunities, workplace culture and relationships, as well as professional acknowledgement.

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  • Is this the right career for me?

  • Am I going to lose my job?

  • Should I take the new job on offer?

  • Will I be satisfied in my new job?

  • Will I get another job?

  • Will I be successful?

  • Will I get into the job I want?

  • Is this the right decision to make?

  • Can I trust the people that I work with?

  • Where am I likely to be in 10 years time?

  • What is preventing me from achieving my full career potential?

  • What can I do to progress my career?

  • What are my key career weaknesses?

  • Which skills should I use to progress my career?


Money is an essential part of our survival and without it life can be difficult. A reading can help us to understand how we can develop ourselves to be financially successful and to maximise our financial return.  

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  • What can I do to overcome financial struggles?

  • Which skills can I further develop to make more money?

  • What is preventing me from building wealth?

  • Will this investment provide a profitable return?

  • Does this financial opportunity carry too much risk?

  • Should I diversify my financial portfolio or would it be safer consolidate my interests at this time?

  • What sort of return will my investment property provide in the short, medium and long term?

  • Would it be more profitable to sell my house now or later?

  • Would it be wise to make a joint investment with this person?


Running a business can demanding and risky. Once again a reading can offer insight into numerous areas that will provide you with clarity in terms of how you might best invest your time, energy and finances.

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  • Is this person a trustworthy employee?

  • Is this person best suited for this role?

  • Are these employees working efficiently?

  • Is it the right time to expand my business?

  • Will this product be successful?

  • What kind of financial return can I expect if I make this investment?

  • Would my business do well in this country?


If you have a question or subject you wish to explore, it's a good idea to focus on this before we start.  This will charge the reading and make for a much clearer process.  If you don't have anything specific you want to focus on, this will give Tarot the opportunity to tell you what it wants you to hear.

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During the reading you are free to ask questions or clarify information as we go along, there are no hard rules.  In fact I encourage you to ask as many questions as you like, this will help you to get the most out of your reading.  All readings are recorded so that you can listen to them at a later time.  

